Choose from 9 Community Garden Locations
A Must-Read
The HCG Gardener Agreement
Plot Fee Waiver
We are able to provide a full or partial plot fee waiver for a limited amount of plots. Please email us at helenacommunitygardens@gmail.com prior to signing up to receive a coupon code to use on Eventbrite when getting your garden plot.
If you would like to sponsor a plot for someone who may not have the resources to pay a plot fee, please consider making a donation to Helena Community Gardens and designate it as a plot sponsorship. We thank you for your generosity!
Cooney Homes Garden was built with a grant from Home Depot, and is located at Cooney Convalescent Homes. Both residents and community members garden here.
The Cooney Garden has 10 4’x8’ raised beds. -
Across the street from St. Peter’s Hospital, you will find our flourishing Covenant Garden. Built in partnership with Covenant United Methodist Church and Scout Troop 2299, this garden hosts thirteen different gardens along with shared garden space and an herb garden.
Garden Managers Jake Mohrmann and Jan Mohrmann keep this space going and growing.
Cruse Overlook Garden is supported by St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, and is right next to the Guardian Apartments. The garden is fully wheelchair accessible.
16 plots available, all raised beds.
Garden Manager: Les Clark, 406-465-3164, oldgardeningdude@gmail.com
Amie Butler is the Garden Manager at the East Helena Community Garden which has 30 10’x 20′ plots.
Jubilee Garden is offered in partnership with Saint Mary Catholic Community and is located at 1700 Missoula Ave.
Plot Sign-Up: Our partnership with St. Mary’s Church means your sign-up is different from the other gardens. If you are interested in a plot at Jubilee, please contact the Garden Manager, Nina Heinzinger, at nheinz3@yahoo.com
Jubilee Garden has
10 large plots (10’ x 20’)
20 small plots (4’ x 10’)
10 accessible plots (4’ x 10’)The 40 plots are available to parishioners and Helena area residents with at least half of the plots made available to area residents.
The garden is watered via a well we have drilled on the property. We charge $50.00 for the large plots and $30.00 for the small and accessible plots.
Plymouth Garden was built with support from Plymouth Congregational Church. There are 27 plots, all raised beds: 14 small plots (4’x10′) and 13 large plots (12’x20′).
There are also 10 communal flower barrels and a communal raspberry patch.
Selma Held Park Garden was built in partnership with the City of Helena Parks Department. There are 41 plots at the garden: 26 raised beds (4’x12′) and 15 ground plots (20’x20′) ground plots.
Sixth Ward Park Garden is the newest community garden, built on under-utilized urban land in partnership with the City of Helena Parks & Recreation Department. It was completed in fall 2016. There are about 35 plots, all-raised beds for easy access. Each has its own water supply.
Garden Managers are Whitney Bausch and Garrett Smith.
Waukesha Park Garden was acquired from the City of Helena Parks Department in 2014. There are 43 plots, each 720 square feet in size
Garden Managers are Daphne Digrindakis and Carol Bischoff.