HCG's Wednesday Soup Dinner at St. Paul's
Gardeners and friends of Helena Community Gardens, we are so excited to invite you to our famous Wednesday night Soup Dinner at St. Paul's Church! Join us for winter comfort food: vibrant soups, colorful salads and memorable desserts.
All proceeds from this dinner go directly to support our Helena Community Gardens! It's a great way to kick off the growing season and talk about your gardening plans.
Bring your wallet and your appetite!
Suggested Donation: $8 for adults, $3 for children

Community Seed Swap
Join Helena Community Gardens and Lewis & Clark Library to swap seeds and knowledge at this year’s Seed Swap!
In addition to lots of seeds to choose from, we’ll have speakers and a great kids activity!
1:30-2:00 pm: Carson Thomas, MT Dept of Agriculture, "Seed Anatomy and Germination"
2:15-2:45 pm: Richard Thieltges, "Seed and Garden Management"
1-3 pm: Kids! Decorate Your Own Seed Starting Kit! (while supplies last)
You don’t have to bring seeds to take seeds--we just ask that you take only what you need for this year.
Free and open to everyone!

New Gardener Sign-up
Links to each garden’s Eventbrite sign-up page will be posted here on March 22.
Gardener Agreement
Please note that you will have to check that you have read and agree to the HCG Gardener Agreement before you are able to purchase your plot. Make sure to take a look at the agreement and please make every effort to complete a minimum of 3 volunteer hours during the season!
Plot Fee Waiver
Helena Community Gardens strives to make gardening accessible to everyone in our community. If affording plot fees is a challenge for you and/or your family this year, we have scholarships available. Please contact us at helenacommunitygardens@gmail.com for more information.

Come join us for all the BINGO excitement and award-winning beer to raise money for Helena Community Gardens. Grab your BINGO buddies and daubers, claim your table early, and get ready for a night of fun!
Update: BINGO! & PLANT SWAP! Get your cuttings, extra aloe plants, pothos, and any other plants ready & make someone else happy on March 7!!